Salt ABC's

Children need a lot of practice when learning to write their letters.  Sometimes your child might lose interest, so it's your job to reclaim their attention.  So what can you do?  Make it fun! Make it different!  
Try having your preschooler write his name or letters in creative ways. One way you can do this is by having your preschooler write her name in salt (you could use sugar, but your child would probably end up licking the cookie sheet, rather than writing on it!  Too tempting!) 
 After writing, have him wipe off the letters, and write some more. 
 This is so fun, you may also get younger (or older) siblings trying to get in on the action!
If you find that your preschooler responds well to this activity, try thinking of other creative ways they learn through play (like fingerpainting or pudding painting their letters).
Good luck and have fun learning and playing with your preschooler!

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